Two days ago, I turned a year older. I like to reflect on my birthday, a good reminder of how magically unpredictable and beautiful life is. Some thoughts and notes to myself:
I understand myself more with each passing year. I get more comfortable highlighting my unique self, as opposed to trying to be like someone else.
I fell in love. It’s the most beautiful thing there ever is. I wish it upon everyone.
Marriage is a special bond. Some traditions matter.
I care more about my health each year. I’m not willing to sacrifice health for short-term pleasure and don’t care about looking weird in social gatherings. I’m willing to spend large amounts of money on health.
I understand the importance of good sleep, at least for me. I’ll pay a premium for it, i.e. no early morning flights.
Jumping and swimming in the cold lakes of Glacier is terrifying at first and exhilarating 1 minute in. It’s one of the best feelings.
Long walks and bike rides in nature > City life.
Wild edible berries are miles better than ones in stores. Feast when you find it.
Intense exercise is like meditation. You’re in the present.
I broke a bone and learned how injuries suck. Avoid at all costs.
There are few things in life that matter – health, love, and how you spend majority of your time.
I’m very grateful for family. I feel closer to them.
I want to hang out with people I enjoy talking to, regardless of whether our opinions align or not. I’ve started trusting my intuition with people. I’m much less open to social gatherings that are not enjoyable.
I’m more willing to spend money to save time and outsource things I don’t want to do.
I’m more comfortable sharing when I don’t understand things, when I make mistakes, when I feel lost, or when things are not going well. I used to feel embarrassed to do so.
I’ve become more straightforward in my talk.
I’m more okay talking about my anger / annoyance when something is wrong. I don’t think annoyance is always bad. It’s a signal to understand yourself better. But it shouldn’t hurt others or consume you. The worst is brooding in the past.Â
I’ve stopped meditating as much. And I miss it.
It’s hard to not listen to outside voices influencing the direction of my life. But well worth the effort to avoid.
I’m more comfortable sharing my opinions, even if they’re unpopular.
I only started having an online presence in the last 2.5 years. The internet is a beautiful place. I’ve learned a lot online and met some great people. However, it’s also a place I can waste a lot of time – something to be mindful of.
Following your curiosities leads to good things. It’s how I started Live Longer World. And even if it doesn’t, you have so much fun in the process.
Writing is beautiful.
Making money is not easy. Starting a business is not easy. Don’t start a business for the sake of starting one. Work on what you care about.
Don’t work with and for people you don’t respect. Do good research on the founders and employees before taking a job. Who you work with matters.
You do get influenced by people you hang out with, even if it’s in subtle ways.
I discard books more readily. It’s more about reading what’s useful to me. Books were my first love. I’m always reading.
I listen to fewer podcasts, read fewer blogs. Instead, I read more books.
You learn if you want to learn. I don’t believe in how schools and colleges ‘educate’ students.
The doctor’s word is not gospel. Do your own research.
Take no one’s word. Think through things yourself.
Marvel at the majestic expanse of the universe.
Incentives matter.Â
I don’t care about being judged. Or I try not to most of the time.
I want to work on my oral communication.
Children are wonderful.Â
The past is bygone. So much for these reflections haha!
I’m more okay sharing thoughts online. This post being an example!
Check email less.Â
Knowledge and Optimism are the most powerful tools. Problems are soluble.Â
Ideas are important, more than most people want to make you believe.Â
Compounding is truly the 8th wonder of the world in all domains of life - health, relationships, wealth, knowledge.
Time spent thinking is time well spent.Â
Being kind is a very nice thing.Â
I love writing love letters to my husband.
Small dinners with friends are always a great time.
Gift books. Giving gifts feels good.Â
I readily give compliments. If something is worth complimenting, I don’t shy away from it.Â
I respect people trying new things or experimenting with their own ideas. Ideas should be taken seriously.Â
Once you start practicing something, you realize all the theory you read doesn’t help much. Practice > Theory.Â
It’s the small actions that people do that reveals their character. One is always prepared for the big ones.Â
Quiet and peaceful times > loud cafes and streets.Â
Keep everything simple. Complications are never worth it.
Dancing is joy. Always be dancing to T Swift!
Don’t discount beauty. Beautiful things are…beautiful!
Some things only make sense in the long term.
You get what you pay for. Don’t be cheap.
Salads and vegetables are delicious.
Decisions are how you live your life.Â
Don’t be afraid to read hard books.
Learn science.Â
It’s hard to get anything done if your mind is not in a peaceful happy place.
It’s become harder and harder for me to work on things I find boring.
Great projects take time. Think and act long-term.
Rest is important. You come back refreshed with newer ideas, without even knowing you did.